
Kathy Thayer

Glow and Glam Pro | 817-291-7679

Book a Beauty Session!

I value spending time with my clients! Please select whether you would like to book a Group Session with me, or a Single Session. Both session types are complimentary services I offer. Once you select the type of session you want, you can move on to customize your experience on the booking page.


Beauty Session

A Group Session allows you to share your session with friends. You will enjoy all the same benefits but with added perks! Group Sessions will enjoy additional goodies, and YOU will receive extra rewards when you book a Group Session. To learn more about my Group Session perks - message the word GROUP to my phone number above.


BEAUTY Session

A Single Session is a personalized one-on-one appointment with you and I, where you can ask all of your skincare and makeup related questions, discuss your individual beauty needs and experience the products for yourself! These sessions are complementary for my clients and I always enjoy spending time getting to know you!